CoQ10 Supplementation with Statin Prescribing

CoQ10 Supplementation with Statin Prescribing

Key Takeaways

  • Statins are the most prescribed drugs in Australia.
  • Statins reduce the production of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), at any dose or treatment duration.
  • CoQ10 deficiency is related to poorer cardiovascular outcomes.
  • CoQ10 supplementation has been found to support individuals at risk of or affected by cardiovascular disease (CVD). Evidence indicates optimal effects at 400-500 mg/day for reducing total cholesterol levels, and ≥200 mg/day to reduce statin-associated muscle symptoms.

CVD is the leading cause of death globally1 and made up 12% of the total burden of disease in 2023.Statin drugs are indicated for lowering cholesterol3, and are the most widely prescribed medicines in Australia, with the number of rosuvastatin and atorvastatin prescriptions totalling 29,080,627 in 2022-23.4 However, while they are effective at lowering lipid levels, they also reduce the production of the heart essential nutrient CoQ10.5 Considering the target condition is CVD, this is particularly dangerous, as reduced CoQ10 levels may lead to poorer cardiovascular outcomes and statin-induced myopathy.6 Therefore, CoQ10 may be a valuable support nutrient for patients with CVD who are taking statins.

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