Complementary Medicine Interactions Guide

Complementary Medicine Interactions Guide

The Complementary Medicine Interactions Guide is a comprehensive reference featuring interactions between 100+ complementary medicine ingredients and 500+ pharmaceutical drugs.

It highlights the importance of understanding interactions to safely combine conventional and complementary treatments, noting how some can reduce drug side effects or affect nutritional status. This concise resource delivers a detailed guide to interaction severity, likelihood, and suggested monitoring.

Introducing the NEW 11th Edition

  • 19 NEW complementary medicine ingredients
  • Enhanced clinical guidelines and specificity of recommendations for medication monitoring
  • Appendix with condition signs and symptoms of key interactions

Blackmores Institute’s complementary medicine interactions guide (CMIG) is a concise and comprehensive reference resource for information on potential interactions between CM and pharmaceutical medications.

The Complementary Medicine Interactions Guide is an essential tool to:

  • Inform Confident Prescribing: Empower pharmacists in making informed, confident, evidence-based recommendations concerning the concurrent use of complementary and prescription medicines.
  • Optimise Patient Support: Enhance patient consultations with actionable advice on the safe use of complementary medicines. Detailed monitoring recommendations aid in clinical decision-making and patient care.
  • Risk Mitigation: Aid in the identification and mitigation of potential adverse effects and interactions between complementary medicines and prescribed drugs, ensuring patient safety.

The CMIG is free for Blackmores Institute members, easy to navigate and available online or can be downloaded. This practical tool can assist health professionals recommend high quality, well-tolerated natural products safely. The interactions guide draws from over 1,000 references. Some of the most popular searches are for the ingredients St John’s wort, andrographis and CoQ10.

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